Aspiring Developer

Taylor McKenzie @dnatoxic

Age 29, Male

Freelance Developer



Joined on 5/13/07

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915 / 1,110
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dnatoxic's News

Posted by dnatoxic - January 4th, 2009

Hey everyone look at the picture!

Paradox Updates!(Paradox is now official title of new engine)

Posted by dnatoxic - January 3rd, 2009

Muahhh we are looking for forum members and moderators!

Check out the newly improved zuige forum!!!


Sign up and have a blast!

Posted by dnatoxic - December 26th, 2008

Hey everyone zuige has been working hard on implementing the various features that are going to be on the Essix Engine(Formerly Paradox).He has uploaded an tech demo onto his web page. The tech demo is not of the game but of the engine shell(What We Build Off Of).

Anyways try it out and leave comments,only Positive Critiscizm please.


The Realease date of "Stryker-Warrior" is not yet confirmed and we have failed to meet the dead-line that was previously set.We are very sorry for the inconveinance and the game is being re-fit to the new engine so expect new visuals and less lag.

Thats it for now peeps c'yah latah dnatoxic.

Posted by dnatoxic - November 29th, 2008

Here you go!
Just showing off some talent haha lol.

New art stuff!

Posted by dnatoxic - November 28th, 2008

Hey everyone im just now fixing up a tech demo and i have also prepared an wallpaper for download(.png and .jpeg formats).
Engine is in it's somewhat final stages of completion we have also finished the game menu you can try it out in the tech demo.The level design will begin shortly along with the insertion of the cut scenes.
We are awaiting the level scenery from nanashi hopefully it will be done soon so cross your fingers and expect to see a wonderfull game from us.

New Wall Paper and Updates!!!

Posted by dnatoxic - November 9th, 2008

Thanks to jesus and fixya.com my pc is physically and mentally operational!
Dnatoxic is back babeh!

Posted by dnatoxic - November 5th, 2008

Hello everyone reading this.,
Anyways ive been very silent for the past 4 weeks and just to inform the public that my Computer(GateWay FX laptop) got severly damaged by my moms stupid cat.It knocked it off the bar while i was sleeping and for me to find it in the morning almost completely broken.The keyboard was broken so was the wifi and the mousepad everything else was in good condition but this hinders my ability to develop my flash games.
Anyways we sent it to geeksquad and they said they coudnt fix problems like that so they told us it still had its factory warranty and could be sent back to gatway for complete repairs.So i have requested a shipping box for it to go back in and it should arrive fixed and ready within a week or so.As for the future of my project Stryker Warrior it will continue developing only the sooner i get my pc back Zuige has been working on the engine and improving it he has shown me the updates and im surprised by how he surpassed my standards.
If you're asking how im on Newgrounds well im using my dads crappy 1995 Dell Desktop to write to you all.
So i guess it's goodbye until my laptop is soon repaired.
-Dnatoxic Wish me the best! lol.

Posted by dnatoxic - October 3rd, 2008

Hello Newgrounds!
New updates on Iraq Operation Combat and much more!
Well since last time ive updated no one new has joined the forums which is at http://iocgameforum.forumarena.com/rem ember anyone who joins gets exclusive extras and content!
Anyways we are working our butts of on this engine graphics are being done by our awesome guy Nanashi.

Not many people like my work but im telling you that this game is going to surprise you!
Anyways Zuige is currently in Switzerland and i have no contact with him so delays are expected.

While he is gone i will be working on an Sub-Project

Everybody remember CQC2 well it's currently in development by jackisgames so get ready for the zombie blowing seat shaking game to come back!

For updates please check my profile!

Below i have posted a Screen Shot of an cut-scene and cut out stuff that you can't see unless you're an official member at our forum.This is one of the most intensive cut scenes in the game even though the games engine isn't ready yet we started on cut scenes after we did our storyboards.
There ya go!

*Updates* As of October 3rd 2008

Posted by dnatoxic - September 28th, 2008

Hey newgrounds!
If anyone can crack this code they will get some exclusive access to content on Zuige's Studios newest game!
Iraq Operation Combatant!
(See picture)This involves binary and some serious thinking you will need to use
(http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view /382745)

Get exclusive content!

Posted by dnatoxic - September 18th, 2008

Hey newgrounds!
My job at zuige has been going swell! Anyways our new engine paradox is going to be released in some time from this post then level production for the game will begin.
Now Comes The Mayhem....
Iraq:Operation Combatant will at least feature over 20 levels of game play and a unique story now you're wondering how doe's this have anything to do with mayhem,the features of the engine is where the mayhem comes in stacking up on walls and being able to flash bang a room is awesome in some cases but what im thinking about is far beyond belief Gunship Strikes,Calvary,Backup now you're probably going whoa he doesn't have that talent well the paradox engine does! The Paradox Engine is created by Zuige himself for Paradox Studio's Game Creations im always looking for talented team members who are going to be dedicated to the team.
Currently we have a couple of users
Dnatoxic (Coding)
Tzunami (Sound)
Zuige (Engine Developer)
Nanashi (Graphics)
And im looking for one more person who wants to be part of Paradox Game Studio's
An Animation Developer!

Anyways for people who support us or just want to know whats going on join our forums!


Engines,Mayham,Games,Buisness And All Other Crazy Things!