Hey everyone zuige has been working hard on implementing the various features that are going to be on the Essix Engine(Formerly Paradox).He has uploaded an tech demo onto his web page. The tech demo is not of the game but of the engine shell(What We Build Off Of).
Anyways try it out and leave comments,only Positive Critiscizm please.
The Realease date of "Stryker-Warrior" is not yet confirmed and we have failed to meet the dead-line that was previously set.We are very sorry for the inconveinance and the game is being re-fit to the new engine so expect new visuals and less lag.
Thats it for now peeps c'yah latah dnatoxic.
Lulwut first comment o_o..
uhmm, its great and all but,
can you move the other guys?
cuz i tried like pushing every button
none of them moved, but they shot
when enemies came?, make it so you
can click like
"Defensive" then they stand at one point and shoot if any enemies comes near
"Aggressive" Then they go to the nearest enemies ( that you can see on your screen, not in the whole map )
and a "follow up" so they follow you and then shoot any enemies nearby..
hope i could help.. oh, or else, try making it so you can move one at a time, and change to the other soldiers by clicking the numbers on numpad or something..
ZXC,read the instructions on the page dodo.