Hey guys,
Dnatoxic here just to let you all know about FF08.It is going to be a online-multiplayer birdseye shooter with many features such as chatting,hosting you're own servers and customizing you're player plus duel-wielding weapons such as mp5's m16's and even double-barrel shotguns!
Anyways I AM NOT MAKING THIS GAME the programmer is a very close friend of mine,JACKY RIAWAN aka jackisgames (The main developer of CQC a sidescroller that got front page).
He is programming the game and doing some artwork i am helping too.IF YOU WANT IN ON THE GAME AND TO BE A BETA-TESTER go to www.fragfest2008.forumarena.com to chat with other member's
remember if you're going to join the forum and be a beta tester you MUST STAY ACTIVE.
Again the link is www.fragfest2008.forumarena.com
And in other news CQC2-BloodWar is set to be delayed and started up on in late 08'.
Just posting on my page and forum this is DNATOXIC reporting on the latest and hottest games of 2008.
Chaos city campaign is near finished! -
Im starting a subproject,its going to be a series called Super.Awesome.Funny.Friends or (SAFF) for short.It's about 4 charachters that visit earth below is a back story.
Back story,
Well anyways the main charcters or basicaly all the characters are from the planet SuperAwesomeCoolPlanet.They are mixes between robots and animals.With the robot parts they can talk english and play and actually be intelligent the story sets around 2009 when they visit earth.
"They" Are Mr.Crumbs,Kool-Grade,Jackbo and finnaly finny.
The image above is a preview of Mr.Crumbs a giant fat Teddy-bear robo thingy.
Thats all for today folks hoep you read this so you can stay up to par with whats headed your way.