Hey Newgrounds!
Im looking to occupy my ever growing community at dnainteractive.net it has forums downloads blogs and it will soon have its very own flash portal within a month!
I need moderators and im also scouting people to join the online studio so if your up for it please go check out my site at dnainteractive.net
Hey guys im here once again with another update!
Right now im looking for someone who can do good rain animation that wont lag at all if it was put into a game. So if anyone is up for the job your welcome to do it as a FAVOR no pay is involved and dont fucking flame me about asking someone to do it for free get over it you internet haters.
Anyways i had a certain project called Hitfight 3 going on which me and Zuige were doing it and we decided to put it on hold but now its back and its continuing the first 2 i hope to add in online multiplayer and scoreboards sooner or later so be prepared to see some crazy action.
Anyways i will also require testers to give input so there are currently 6 testing slots available
i will need positive testers who can give detailed input and follow instruction.
Please comment that you want to be a tester and i will message you the details.
And thats it below you can watch a video demo featuring some of HF3's features.
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ill test but first i have to know how big a file it is
You dont have to download it we will send you a link