Hey newgrounds,
Just checking in on you all,ive seen some really impressive flash in the past month and im just hoping it wil keep getting better.I have some updates on my current work and sub-work so here you go.
------------------------In the works------------------------
Well the first project im working on that I would like to reveal is EpicCombat an Overhead Shooter.
Thats all I will reveal chaos the game hasnt been canceled its just put on hold until later in 2008.
jackisgame has updates on his project renamed Ballistics just letme tell you it has some badass graphics for a flash game.Contact him through email at jacky_riawan@yahoo.com.
Anyways morph-download a new app for your pc that the crew made is going to be up for realease in may you'll be able to download source code of any xeno-engine games that users submit including a badass game called survival www.surivalgame.rjf.com
--------------------Any questions?-------------------
If you have any questions just post reply on here and i will be happy to respond.
sounds interesting.
Thanks,keep in check and you might be a beta tester for one of these 2 games.