awesome :D
please include video tutorials also :P those help a LOT! (for uber noobs)
Aspiring Developer
Age 29, Male
Freelance Developer
Joined on 5/13/07
awesome :D
please include video tutorials also :P those help a LOT! (for uber noobs)
Wow Xelu commented on my page i feel so prestigious!
Stupid 8th graders :(
You know i haven't updated my profile for a while thanks for the heads up mate!
Cool idea, if epic games can license their engine why can't flash developers?
Wink face! Wait a second...i detect sarcasm in the building.
suck at flash but know how to make 3D?
I suck at flash but wanna make games! This is perfect!
I think ill also give free copies away to talented developers like you but who also lack coding skill!
Still gonna' cost me if I'm not going to use it for profit?
Ill release a limited learners version for free.
I wanna be like you in making games! These will help me make video games! Thanks dnatoxic! The first game to use your licensed game engines will be announced on 2011.
I love dicks
was it really that bad?
jeesh ¬_¬
The link is broken...
its a nice idea your not the first but there is a sufficient demand for this sort of thing id use this service if i couldent find a programmer
And I'll be one of your first customers, sounds like a kickass idea, especially for people like me who only animate.
dude I was being sincere, Im totally considering this.
Feel free to use my idea in the Newgrounds store im pretty sure you could make a living selling flash engines to the millions of authors. Also, unblock me from private messaging with you. I dont know why i am though.
I think it'd be even more effective if you offered some code-only programs for cheaper. Lots of animators out there. A lot less programmers.
I'll pay 10 bucks for a text-based adventure making program.
Im not sure why you were blocked, but you are ublocked now.
and honestly Its not all about the millions its about getting some games done without the hassle of programmers flaking out on me.
I thought you knew how to code, if you ever need someone drop by and ask im always available.
nah, just the artist, and occasionally the game designer, but not the programmer.
btw that link is dead.
It was never up im still designing the site.
lol you failed
ur a precocious lil scamp ;)
looks cool
Damn straight.